Friday, October 23, 2009

What are beliefs made of?

Beliefs are not just beliefs. Beliefs are magic spells. Beliefs make you into a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew or a Hindu. Beliefs make you into an atheist, a liberal, a left-winger or a neo-Nazi.

You may believe that you are useless, a complete idiot. You may believe that you are perfectly normal; you may believe that you are saved. You may believe that you are still sleeping, that you are not awake yet. You may believe that life is but a dream. You may believe in guardian angels or reincarnation. You may believe that the observer of all the thoughts in your head never dies.

The spell is broken when you are able to see that your beliefs are just beliefs, theories, mental constructions, words. As long as you’re not able to see this, you will be in a never-ending search for proof that you are right.

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