C.G. Jung coined the word synchronicity, but he did not discover this phenomenon. For thousands of years, people have experienced mystical events and meetings. Some have explained them as God, Gods, or the Devil, sometimes intervening in the natural course of events. Paul Kammerer used the word seriality in the early twentieth century; in India, Yogis use the word Yoga connection.
Most scientists regard these experiences as pseudoscience or delusions. What you can't prove or disprove in laboratory experiments are meaningless to discuss, they say; such events belong to the realm of theology, metaphysics, or psychiatry. This stance is understandable; you must leave out inconsistencies to make your worldview consistent. Sweep them under the rug so they don't bother you.
However, not just scientists ignore things to make their worldview consistent and understandable; we all do. It is uncomfortable to question one's own worldview.