Friday, January 12, 2024


You are living in a fantasy world. All people are living in fantasy worlds, even scientists and down-to-earth realists.

We all have our religious beliefs, political opinions, worldviews, and cultural values. We can question other people's fantasies but not our own. 

It took decades for the Germans after 1945 to begin questioning their Nazism; many never did. Many communists refused to question their Stalinism. Many neoliberals cannot challenge their view that governments shouldn't interfere with what corporations are doing. Corporations must be free to buy and sell what they want. The slave owners in the American South refused to give up their right to keep slaves. It took 200 years for the Catholic Church to agree that Galileo was right. Some people are clinging to beliefs that were formed 2500 years ago. This list of examples can be made very long.

We don't want to question ourselves. It is too unpleasant. So, therefore we must continue to live in our fantasy worlds, fighting each other in idiotic wars and trying to convince each other that our fantasies are the best.

Can you question your own beliefs? Do you still insist that you are right and that I am wrong? Can't you see that we both may be wrong? Or maybe I'm right. Maybe New York is the capital of the US. Maybe there is a God, after all, hiding behind the trees.

Do you think waking up from your fantasy without adopting a new one is possible?

I don't think it is possible to completely clear out one's beliefs and convictions, but it is possible to question them. It is possible not to be totally convinced.