Saturday, July 9, 2022


If you want meaning in your life, you have to invent it – or borrow it from someone else. Meaning is not something we discover, I believe, meaning is something we invent or create.

Meaning, values, ethics, and morals don't exist outside of human beings. Kindness, equal rights and justice are meaningless terms in modern cosmology. And supernovas, microwave background radiation and electrons are irrelevant factors in psychology and social science.

The idea that life is meaningless or meaningful is created in the human mind. All religions, philosophies, and ideas about life are mental constructions.

Nihilism, the philosophical idea that life has no meaning and that ethics and morals are delusions, is also a mental construction, a foolish and useless idea. You are a human being. You live in this human body. You are not just a bunch of molecules and atoms, you are not a snake, not a lizard or a worm. Worms, snakes and lizards don't care about meaning or morals. You are a human being and to human beings are values and morals extremely important.

We call people who don't care at all about morals and meaning psychopaths.