Sunday, March 26, 2017


You will not find anything of value
if you make a visit to the underworld, just junk
like in a damp basement of an abandoned house
moldy clothes and old newspapers
broken shoes, rats nests and spiders.
There is no river down there
and no ferryman.

Nevertheless, some people settle there.
How is that possible?

They've not climbed down there out of curiosity
they've ended up there
and then they've somehow got the idea 
that it is there where they belong.
Isn't it strange?

(There is something within some people
that lure them down into darkness and misery
and there is something that lure them back to everyday life.)

You can´t recommend anyone to go down there
to see for themselves
because there is nothing there to see, or find
even though those who have never been there
clearly lack something
like chattering celebrities in TV shows.