Friday, July 7, 2023


In the 2020 US presidential election, 74 million Americans voted for Trump, and 81 million voted for Biden. 79 million did not bother to vote. For them, it didn't matter who became president. It would make no difference to them and their life situation. And many of those who voted for Biden were very negative about him, but they felt that the alternative was even worse. Many would rather have voted for Bernie Sanders.

In the second round, in the last French presidential election, 18.8 million French voted for Macron, 13.3 million voted for Marine LePen, and 13.6 million did not vote. 2.2 million voted blankly. And many of those who voted for Macron resented him deeply and voted for him solely to prevent LePen from coming to power.

When Italians went to the polls last year, 7.3 million voted for Giorgia Meloni. 16.6 million did not bother to vote.

I have also stopped voting. I don't care anymore.

To swim against the stream is as foolish as following it. The only sensible thing is trying to get ashore.