Friday, September 18, 2020


Paranormal phenomena are real. I have had paranormal experiences. And I am not alone. However, people are not always honest. Some people lie about their meetings with spirits, synchronicities, or mystic abilities. There are tons of fantastic stories in circulation about precognitions, synchronicities, telepathy, and near-death-awakenings. Some of them are true, many of them are not. And it is very difficult to prove that someone is bluffing.

Some people lie about their religious faith, others tell fish stories. Trump is posing with the bible in his hand: Look how religious I am.

All people lie, even scientists, police officers, and evangelical preachers. We are also lying to ourselves. We are born into a world of deceit and deception and we have to find ways to survive here. We have been thrown into the water to sink or swim. 

But all people are not lying all the time. Sometimes we are telling the truth. Some fantastic stories are in fact true.

There is no way that you can prove that your story is true or that someone else is bluffing. This is why science and the scientific method evolved. However, scientists deal only with stuff that can be proved, the unprovable things are taken off the table. It makes their job much easier.

This is the reason why there are so many charlatans and bluffers in the realm of religion and spirituality. 

And this is the reason why people who have experienced strange paranormal phenomena don't talk about them with people they don't trust. This is esoteric knowledge.