Sunday, December 5, 2021


I don't believe that gnomes, trolls, and ghosts exist, except in the fantasy world. I don't believe in gods, angels, demons, and witches.

Einstein said: "God does not play dice with the universe." By that, he didn't mean that there is a God somewhere who did not play dice. Einstein was not religious. He used the word God metaphorically. In the same way, we can use words like angels and demons metaphorically.

I don't believe that the earth is flat and I don't believe that the sun is revolving around it.

I believe that Jesus existed but I don't believe that he could walk on water and I don't believe that he rose from death.

I don't believe that extraterrestrials are visiting us.

For some reason, I believe that there is some kind of meaning or purpose with all the suffering in life. This is not a rational belief, but I nevertheless cling to it. How else could I keep on keeping on? The belief that all forms of suffering are meaningless is a horrible belief. 

I don't believe that I have a true self somewhere inside of me. I believe that I have changed over the years. I believe that the self, the observer, or the soul, is in flux. When beliefs change, also the observer change. Very stubborn and rigid people can also change. It is difficult to change but it is possible. Those who have had a near-death experience, for example, will often, what I understand, change their outlook on life completely. Fanatically religious people can become atheists, right-wingers can become left-wingers and left-wingers can become right-wingers. Alcoholics can stop drinking and leave their drinking buddies.

I don't believe that evolution has a direction. I don't believe that we are heading anywhere. We have no destination.

I believe that the end days are here now. I believe that climate change and environmental pollution will make the earth uninhabitable for human beings. 

I believe that change is possible, to some extent, for an individual human being, but as a species, we are doomed. In large groups, we become like a herd of bison or a troop of baboons.

I believe that synchronicities and telepathy are real phenomena and that they are not just products of a vivid imagination. I think of matter and energy as magic stuff.

I am aware that these beliefs of mine are just beliefs, mental constructions. I am not proud of them. I wish I had other, more optimistic beliefs.

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