Friday, June 18, 2021

The everyday consciousness

At this moment tons of radio waves flow throw you, signals that you cannot perceive: radio and TV broadcasts, telephone calls, and internet searches. The ether is also filled with telepathic messages that you cannot perceive because they are not directed at you. You may not even perceive them even if they are directed at you because you are insensitive and believe that such signals do not exist. These messages do not consist of radio waves.

Many people have experienced synchronicities and telepathic phenomena, many are fascinated by these peculiar signals, but what do they consist of? Why are they so ambiguous? What function do they fulfill? Why are they so difficult to interpret?

I think they are messages from another sphere, or from the collective subconscious mind. They want to remind you that there really are other dimensions. What is happening up here, at the surface level, in our everyday consciousness, is not the whole story. Life is much, much stranger than you think. It is not just about money, social status, and sex. And it is not just about reason and scientific explanations. The everyday consciousness is only a small part of a human being.


Anonymous said...

Nothing could be *less* ambiguous than discovering a diamond in my drawer, after reading A Diamond in Your Pocket. Crystal clear.

? said...
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