Thursday, August 13, 2020

Not on the same page.

You have to find someone who can teach you about life and how you should live it: a Guru, a spiritual teacher, a pastor, a mullah, a life coach, a philosopher, a rock star, a political leader...

Someone must show you the direction. If you don't know your destination, you need someone who can tell you where to go.

It's wonderful to know where to go and how to get there. It's wonderful to sit in an audience and listen to someone who knows the way. It's wonderful to have a leader.

If you listen to another guru he or she will probably point in another direction. There are gurus for all directions, full circle. There are even gurus who tell you to stay where you are. Some believe in the perennial philosophy, others don't; some believe in a true self that you can find, others don't. Some believe in God, others don't.

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