Monday, July 27, 2020

The end of the world

More and more people no longer believe in a future for the human race. We have given up all hope, but we avoid talking about it. This view is taboo.

People die, civilizations collapse and species become extinct. This is how life and evolution works. 99% of all species that have lived on earth have disappeared; all previous civilizations are wiped out. But it is very difficult to digest that life functions in this way. It is unpleasant to think about death, doom, and destruction.

How much time do we have left, 10 years, 30 years, 70 years? The scientists do not agree on when they think we will perish, but most of them agree that we will, if we don't drastically decrease the greenhouse gas emissions within the next few years. But the emissions are increasing. In Asia, they are planning to build tons of new coal power plants. They need cheap energy because the western world continues to locate its industrial production there.

Is it not unwise to think about death and the end of the world? Is it not better to be optimistic and hope that smart engineers will come up with clever solutions so that the world economy can continue to grow unhindered without destroying the climate and the environment?

Yes, it is better to be optimistic: Life becomes much easier. But there are also disadvantages to positive thinking and upbeat delusions. They have an existential cost: you can end up in a fool's paradise. And if you are young and save money in a pension fund, you give your hard-earned money to banksters to play with, but you will never get them back because you will never get a pension. All the banks will be gone when you reach pension age.

There will be no new climate policy here on earth. There are too many people, stinking rich, as well as poor, who are craving money like junkies who are craving a fix.

We who have understood that there is no future for humanity do not bury our heads in the sand. We try to seize the time, we have stopped fussing and fighting with friends and foes, we don't care about goal focusing and career. And strangely enough, we are not the ones who are frustrated and depressed. It is all of you who still think that we have to do something to save the climate who are suffering.

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