Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Thought habits

Events get caught in the brain in the form of memories. Connections are formed between neurons. When a memory has been stored in long-term memory it is very difficult to get rid of. You can forget about what happened but the memory is still there somewhere and can resurface whenever, maybe even decades later.

In the same way, beliefs, ideas and quirks get wired into the brain fabric. Once you have become convinced of something, it is very difficult to change that conviction.

Somehow you may have got the idea that you are stupid, or that nothing really matters in life except money. Maybe you still believe in evil spirits.

All habits are difficult to change: thought habits, smoking habits, eating habits...   It is also difficult to change hard wired political opinions and religious ideas. However, it is possible.

Heavy smokers can give up smoking and alcoholics can give up drinking.

It is possible to leave a religious sect or abandon a political ideology.

It is possible to disentangle oneself from thought patterns.

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