Friday, January 8, 2016

Christianity and slavery

During the 1700s, slavery and the slave trade began to be questioned.
A new kind of Christian ethics and morals emerged.
Nothing i written in stone.

 When the British parliament voted to abolish slavery in the colonies in 1833, the Bench of Bishops voted against — as they did on almost all reform bills. To get the bill through, Parliament voted to compensate slave owners (There was no compensation for the slaves themselves). The Abolition of Slavery Act of 1833 provided for £20 million to be paid to West Indian plantation slave owners in compensation for the loss of their 'property'. The Anglican Church received £8,823 for the loss of slave labour on its Codrington plantation in the West Indies.
Individual Anglican Churchmen had to be compensated separately. Henry Phillpotts, Bishop of Exeter, and three business associates received nearly £13,000.

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