A mean and evil old man can easily convince himself that he has always been too kind.
A woman can think of herself as a smart woman with class. She can be convinced of that her good manners is because of her good upbringing. However, in reality she is just a pain in the neck; in reality she is carrying herself like a sulky teenager on her shopping rounds.
Even complete idiots can think of themselves as clever.
This is how the human mind works. To wake up from delusions is not easy, it is in fact incredibly painful.
Think of a man who has devoted his life to Nazism. Maybe he did terrible things in a concentration camp during the second world war. To him it doesn’t pay off to wake up. Or think of a man who has spent his life teaching the benefits of egoism. Or think of an alcoholic who has ruined the life of his children. It's not hard to understand that such guys feels a resistance to waking up, but isn't it strange that also normal every day people with fairly clean consciences also feel a strong resistance to waking up. Why is that?
Why is it so hard to wake up? Is there any point in waking up, really? Isn’t it better to snuggle up somewhere and try to make the best of the situation?
1 comment:
Yes, but that is waking up! (to snuggle up) Without the: "try to make the best of..." No-thing can change without a seemingly radical "idea." (which is a "perception" rather than an "idea", really) The playing field has to be even. Humanity is mad. When you see that the other is you, then you are healed. We "try" to heal our "insane" but that is a job like Sisyphus'; until we see the madness within every/one, ourselves included. Then we get the boulder to the top of the mountain. We become the top of the mountain. We are the mountain, the boulder(even with or without moss). It sounds too "far-out" but with the gradual process of "processing" the waking-up thing, you know what I am saying. But that is not a judgement against others. It is a: "forgive them they know not what they do." Isn't that the way we treat the insane? At some point you need to step out of or in to the vicious circle. Either action will do. This "action" comes from the perception that "the path is not what you are on, the path is what you are." (Bashar/D.Anka)
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