Monday, September 30, 2024

Who are you, really?

Some people pretend they believe in God; others pretend they are atheists. Some pretend they are honest and reliable; others play dumb.

However, not all people are pretenders. Some people are honest and reliable, at least sometimes.

I sometimes believe there is a God somewhere; other times, I am an atheist. Sometimes, I am honest; other times, I am not.

There is no real me, no core self. I am a theatre company. And an audience.

There is more than one leading role in this play. There are also co-leads.

When you die, not only one leading actor will go to heaven or hell; not only one best actor or actress will be awarded. 

Eventually, the whole company will split and go looking for new jobs.

Sunday, September 29, 2024


Our history is mainly about wars, bestial, idiotic wars. One king, emperor, or president against the other. Who won and who lost? And history didn't end when the Soviet Union collapsed, and the Cold War ended. The US wants to be in a position of unchallenged superiority and is trying to prevent Russia and China from growing too strong. They are fighting a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, and then they have to take on Iran and China. The Jews fight the Palestinians, and the Palestinians fight the Jews. There are bloodbaths in the Middle East, Ukraine, and Yemen. In Africa, different tribes and warlords are fighting each other.

Mankind's defense spending now exceeds $2 trillion annually. But this is not enough; now, extensive military rearmament has the highest priority. The whole world is gearing up. We must defend ourselves against each other. The fight against climate change must be downgraded.

Many of us no longer believe in a future for humanity. Some pretend that they are optimistic and that they care about future generations. They want to appear responsible and well-informed, but privately, they understand there is no hope. Others prefer to be blissfully unaware. Well, some genuinely believe that politicians and engineers will somehow find a way to help us.

It doesn't matter which country you live in and which party you vote for (if you live in a country where there are elections); all parties want to continue the wars.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

As if

Free will may be an illusion; everything is determined by something else. But we must live as if we can make our own decisions and be responsible for our actions.

Maybe life has no particular meaning; it is just what it is. There may be no reason for suffering and pain. But meaninglessness can make you drown. We have to live as if life and suffering may have a meaning. This can help you keep your nose above the surface.

Maybe you don't have an eternal soul. Maybe God is just a fantasy figure. There may be no spiritual laws stipulating how we shall live. But you can live as if you have a soul, that there are spiritual laws that you must follow, and that there are angels that can help you. 

There is no meaning in life and suffering, no God, and no spiritual laws; the world is nothing but electrons, quarks, and indifferent forces. This is an absolutely useless philosophy. Modern natural science is harmful to mental health. Its "truths" are poisons. It deduces the meaning of life from what scientists can see in laboratories, observatories, and mathematical calculations. They live as if there is no meaning to life or spiritual laws. They are nihilists.

We don't care about up quarks and electron spin in our everyday lives or how big and old the universe is. Such "truths" are utterly irrelevant in our daily lives. Life is what is going on here on an everyday level. Free will, love, conscience, and spiritual laws are essential here. 

Of course, religious dogmas, doctrines, and New Age superstition are also poisonous. They also belong to the theoretical dimension of life. The theoretical dimension is not harmful per se, but if it takes over your life, you will find yourself in a cage. We are not living in a theoretical world.