The world consists of two parts: the known and the unknown.
All animals are curious by nature, but humans are extremely curious. The unknown drives us crazy. At any cost, we must find out what it's like beyond those mountains - or out there or in there. Scientists and spiritual seekers spend all their time and energy trying to make the unknown known. Only to realize that the unknown is so much larger than they expected.
Because it's irritating and frustrating not to know, and because we have invested so much time and money to understand the world, who we are, and why we are here, and because we are unwilling to admit that we are ignorant thickheads, we resort to lying. We claim with emphasis that we know. We create religions and teachings that explain things to us. We build metaphysical castles in the air.
It feels so good to know the truth.
Both Christian and Muslim mystics have been fond of the unknown. They find God and his kingdom in this unrevealed part of the world. They love their invisible God. But, because a big part of the world is unknown, it does not necessarily imply a higher being exists. The unknown is simply unknown.
Some, a tiny group of people, acknowledge and pray to the unknown but ignore the teachings of priests, monks, mystics, pastors, imams, mullahs, spiritual guides, gurus, and philosophers.
Extreme mystics don't even pray or engage in any spiritual exercises. They simply live their life. Good or bad, the unknown made me and my life this way. When the time is right, I'll change my ways and stop drinking and smoking.