Friday, November 20, 2020


If you experience a mystic synchronicity or some kind of spontaneous telepathic phenomenon you will probably become greatly surprised. It will make you wonder about the nature of reality. You may ponder over this for years. However, nothing much in your everyday life will change. Your bad habits and endless daily chores will continue. A fundamental life-changing experience requires something much stronger. You have to hit rock bottom, I suppose. You have to face death.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


The world has always been a mess: horrific wars, slavery, poverty, diseases, pain, religious oppression, psychopathic kings, emperors, warlords, and presidents...

Well, there have also been small patches of peace, love, and optimism here and there, at times, for a lucky few, but the overall situation has always been horrible.

Saturday, November 7, 2020


Everything is real, everything exists in this universe: atoms and electrons, galaxies and stars, fantasies and dreams, delusions and lies, consciousness and ego, deceit and deceptions, love and fear, cats and dogs, viruses and bacteria, escapes and sin, synchronicities, and NDEs...

You select which subjects you find interesting, like a kid in a toy store.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Here's the rub

Trump is not the problem, the problem is all those people who vote for him.

Duarte in the Philippines, Bolsonaro in Brazil, and Orbán in Hungary, just to mention a few other obnoxious heads of state, they are also elected. Millions of Germans adored Hitler.

Ordinary people create serious problems in the world.

Thursday, November 5, 2020


3000 years ago people believed that the earth is flat. 400 years ago were people afraid of witches, ghosts, and trolls. 70 years ago were Germans convinced that they belonged to a superior race...

Today people still believe that fantasies are real, it's just new fantasies, other fantasies. We are still deluded idiots. The mainstream media's as well as the internet is flooded with hogwash. We are drowning in crap.

How about you? Are you also deeply convinced about things that will be considered idiocy 50 years from now? Or maybe next week? What do you think?