Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The past

Fortune tellers believe that they can see into the future. They believe that the future is located somewhere, like a foreign country. What stupid belief. The future is here, right now, for us who were waiting for it a few years ago. Here it is. Isn't it amazing? You couldn't possibly have known that you should sit here today, reading this. This is not what you expected.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Non duality

The spirit world and the material world are the same world. They are the two sides of the same coin. Body and soul are not two separate substances.

What is matter? What is an electron, a particle, or a wave? What does it consist of? What is a quark? What does a quark consist of? Vibrating strings? What is dark matter? 

Why is it so hard for you to see that matter is as mysterious as a spiritWhat is a spirit made of?

You have no idea of what will happen to you after your death. Maybe you will live on in some other physical form. Maybe you will be resurrected in another universe. Maybe you simply dissolve and disappear forever. You don't know.

Life is a mystery; death is a mystery, everything is a mystery.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Paranormal phenomena

Dean Radin, Charles T. Tart, and Russell Targ, to mention a few prominent scientists, have proved that telepathy, clairvoyance, and synchronicities are real phenomena; paranormal phenomena are not just fantasies.

However, the influence of the paranormal dimension is almost negligible here in everyday life. Common sense, money, sex appeal, and social status are much more powerful tools.

Monday, February 11, 2019


Delusions are warm and comfortable.
Awakening is like a cold shower.

Friday, February 1, 2019

The true self

The true self is the person you are behind the mask.
The mask is the false self.

The true self may be sad, jealous, pessimistic, or needy.
The false self is more attractive: positive, optimistic, cool, or agreeable.

The false self is the person you want to be and pretend to be.
The true self is the one you are when you don't pretend.

Sometimes, though, the true self is happy.