Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretence. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Who knows

Maybe you're not a Highly Sensitive Person, 
maybe you are a neurotic person.
Maybe you're not laid back, maybe you're just lazy.
Maybe you're not outspoken and straightforward, 
maybe you're an asshole.
Maybe you're not awake, maybe you're a space cadet.

Maybe you're not neurotic, maybe you're a Highly Sensitive Person. 
Maybe you're not lazy, maybe you're not an asshole, 
maybe you're not a space cadet.

Maybe you're sometimes lazy, sometimes laid back and harmonious.
Maybe you're sometimes awake, someimes an asshole.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Know thyself

To get to know yourself, you need to observe yourself. You need to observe yourself in action, closely. What you're telling yourself, your explanations, rationalizations and ideas about yourself are quite uninteresting. It's when you do something that you have a chance to catch a glimpse of yourself, when you refuse to call her back, when you suddenly decide to go to the pub, when you stuff yourself with pancakes, etc.

To get to know to yourself can be very unpleasant. It can be like trying to make friends with a pisshead on a park bench or a priggish little jerk in a lunch room

You think that you're sensible, but you're not. The sensible part of you is just a part of you. You are not just one person. You consist of several personalities, much like a small family business that is run by a family. Sometimes is your father at the helm, sometimes your mother, sometimes your uncle.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


How are you?
What's wrong with you?
Have you received your diagnosis, and a prescription?

Who are you?
What do you think?

Who are you, really, ultimately?
Electron swarms and quarks?

And what is an electron?
A particle or a wave?
A particle or a wave in what?

What is matter, really?
Energy? Condensed radiation?
Isn't materialism an outdated idea?

What is the soul made of?
Fantasies, delusion, spirit?
How do you define the word soul?

What is consciousness made of?
Electromagnetic fields in brain tissue?
What is outside of our universe?
Where is the universe situated?

Why did all the questions arise in the universe?