Saturday, April 22, 2017

The thinking mind

A dream is a dream, a surrealistic night show.
The interpretation of the dream is an interpretation
made of words by the daytime thinking mind.

A work of art is a work of art.
The analysis of the artwork is also created by the thinking mind.

A strange experience, a synchronicity for example,
or some other paranormal experience, is a strange experience.
The explanation for the strange experience is an explanation.

The rational thinking part of the brain is just a small part of the brain
This know-it-all part of the brain can find smart explanations for everything.

These words are of course also a fruit of the thinking mind.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Self deception

Dishonesty and self deception are helpful tools. 
They help us to survive.
However, too much of them create serious problems.
You will find yourself in hot water 
if your life is filled to the brim with dishonesty, 
bullshit and self deception.
It's important to, now and then, question oneself.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Religion, spirituality and philosophy are made of thoughts.
Without thoughts there would be no religion, spirituality 
or philosophy of life. But what are they made of?
What is a thought, really?A fluctuation in an electromagnetic field? 
Chemical reactions?

What do you experience in the gap between two thoughts?
Well, you can see something, hear something or feel something.

Not having thoughts for a moment 
is not necessarily a mystical experience.

Religious and spiritual people's main interest 
is the world behind the world we live in, the metaphysical realm.
Philosophically minded people are more interested in this world.

This is the reason why we don't get along.
Our thoughts separate us.
Thinking is a mysterious phenomenon.
Nobody knows what thoughts are made of.
They can be silly, stupid, funny, clever, dark, elevated, delusional...
Therefore they must always be examined and questioned.
Is this just stupid stuff or is this thought helpful in some way?